Consulting on automation of procurement activities and Master Data Management
  • Diagnostics
  • Selection of an IT solution
  • Implementation project management
Solution Analysis & Consulting

We analyze information systems and solutions and provide consultations with experienced IT specialists.

MS Project
Azure DevOps
IT Solutions & DevOps

We set up IT solutions of any complexity and increase the efficiency of development processes.

App Development

Our experienced engineers help you to build a Power App. Setup a Flow to automate your routine actions.

Big Data & Analytics

We research and analyze sets of Big Data information to further improve the efficiency of the company, open up new opportunities for generating income, and improve customer service.

Software Testing and QA

We monitor activities at all stages of the software life cycle. We will provide the required level of quality of the manufactured product.

UI Design and UX Prototyping

We will develop prototypes, design of any software that meets modern standards, full corporate identity and design of individual elements, customization of the UI-kit.

AR/VR & 3D

Using AR and VR technology we develop libraries of 3D models and software applications


We develop personalized services and systems for buying/selling bitcoins


Digital campus platform, integrated e-learning systems, multimedia


Complex solutions for medical industry and personal healthcare network service


Digital transformation is meant for automotive manufacturing (automotive ERP, ADAS, HMI etc.)


Sites and virtual shops, software tools for managing Internet sales, digitization (automation) 

Fintech & Banking

Online and mobile applications for personal finance management, systems for microcrediting


Information and entertainment web sites, mobile and VR-applications in various areas

Privacy Policy

Opus Tech LLC privacy policy

This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") has been adopted and is valid at the Opus Tech Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), OGRN 1187847289090, INN 7801652258, KPP 780101001, located at the address: Russian Federation, 199034, St. Petersburg, 13th line of Vasilievsky Island, house 6-8, letter A, room ch. 54-N (room 1B).

1. General Provisions

This Policy provides a list of personal data collected by the Company about the subject of personal data, methods of storing, processing and transferring information containing the personal data of the subject of personal data, the rights and obligations of subjects of personal data, principles, purposes and conditions for processing personal data, as well as the measures taken by the Company protection of personal data.

This Policy has been adopted in order to ensure the protection and confidentiality of personal data provided by users. This Policy defines the principles, procedure for collecting, storing, processing, destroying personal data provided by the user, as well as the subject's rights guaranteed by the Company in relation to the provided personal data. The company recommends that users familiarize themselves in detail with the provisions of this Policy.

2. Terms

The Company's website is

Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data). In particular, personal data means the surname, name, patronymic of an individual, the name of the position held, the name of the organization in which the individual works / whose representative is the individual, the contact phone number, email address, number / link to the user in messenger / social network, IP address, MAC address, browser name and version, information stored in cookies.

Personal data processing - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed by the Company and / or third parties involved by the Company, using automation tools or without using such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage , clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Cross-border data transfer - the transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to a foreign state authority, a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity.

Consent - a freely expressed, conscious, specific and unambiguous, unambiguously identifiable statement of an individual-subject of personal data to provide consent to the processing, storage and transfer by the Company and / or third parties involved by the Company of information containing the personal data of such an individual.

Cookies -small alphanumeric files stored in the browser of the device through which the user visits the Company's website.

Personal data subject (user) - an individual who provides the Company with information containing personal data of such an individual. For the purposes of this Policy, the personal data subject is the following persons - users of the Company's website:

  • Buyers / representatives of buyers (including potential) of the Company's products and services.
  • Investors / investor representatives (including potential) of the Company.
  • Partners / representatives of partners (including potential) of the Company.
  • Employment candidates for the Company.
  • Other persons who wish to subscribe to the mailing of materials published by the Company and / or leave feedback.
  • Random persons (users who have no specific purpose of visiting the Company's website).

3. Sources of data

The company obtains information about users from the following sources:

  • From subsidiaries and other affiliates.
  • From investors and members of the Company.
  • From partners and contractors, including recruiting and other specialized services used by the Company.
  • From public authorities in cases and in the manner expressly provided for by applicable law.
  • Directly from the users themselves.

The company does not provide guarantees regarding the confidentiality and protection measures taken in relation to personal data by the third parties specified in this section when receiving personal data from such third parties. The Company shall not be liable in case of harm to personal data subjects as a result of actions / inaction of the third parties specified in this section, except for cases when harm (including as a result of the dissemination of information containing personal data) occurred through the fault of the Company. To obtain information about the confidentiality and protection measures taken by the third parties specified in this clause in relation to the personal data provided, the Company recommends that users directly contact such third parties.

4. Legal basis for the processing of personal data

The legal basis for the processing of the personal data of the subject by the Company is:

  • Norms of applicable law governing issues related to the processing of personal data, including, but not limited to Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data".
  • Other local regulations and documents regulating the processing of personal data in Opus Tech LLC.

The Company assures and guarantees that the local regulations of the Company and other internal documents of the Company, directly or indirectly related to the processing of personal data, comply with the current norms of applicable law. The Company constantly monitors the norms of applicable legislation and, in the event of changes, immediately responds to such changes by making changes and / or additions to this Policy and / or local regulations and other internal documents directly or indirectly related to the processing of personal data.

5. Categories of personal data processed by the Company

The Company collects the following categories of personal data about users of the Company's website:

  • General information about the users of the Company's website (Surname, Name, Patronymic of an individual, the name of the position held, the name of the organization in which the individual works / whose representative is the individual).
  • Contact information provided by the user for communication (contact phone number, email address, number / link to the user in the messenger / social network).
  • Technical information about the devices through which users visit the Company's website (IP address, MAC address, browser name and version, information stored in cookies, geographic location of the point of connection to the information and communication network “Internet”).
  • Information about visiting the site, including information about the use of the services of the Company's website (the amount of time spent on the Company's website, information about the services used / refusals to use the services, information about the Company's products viewed by the user, information about the sites from which the user has switched to the Company's website, information about the websites to which the user went from the Company's website, the user's search queries).
  • Other information provided by the user himself.

The user is not obliged to provide the Company with his personal data to visit the Company's website. The provision of personal data by the user is voluntary.

6. Special categories of personal data

The company does not collect information related to special categories of personal data. In particular, the Company does not collect the following information:

  • Data on race or ethnicity.
  • Nationality data.
  • Data on religious or philosophical views and beliefs.
  • Data on political views and beliefs.
  • Health data.
  • Data on intimate life.

The company does not collect, process, store and distribute personal data of persons under the age of 18 years without providing the voluntary, explicit and unequivocal consent of the legal representatives of such individuals.

7. Purposes of processing personal data

The purposes of personal data processing by the Company are:

  • Maintenance of the services of the Company's website.
  • Preparation of analytical data about visits to the Company's website, including user preferences, websites, including advertising, from which users go to the Company's website, about the Company's products and services that users view, about sites to which users go after visiting the Company's website.
  • Improving the operation of the Company's website, including the creation of additional and modernization of existing services of the Company's website, an increase in the number of personalized services.
  • Distribution of information materials about the products and services of the Company.
  • Provision of services by the Company and attraction of new clients.
  • Identification of new customers with needs for the Company's services and products.
  • Selection of candidates for the work of the Company.
  • Communication with users of the Company's website, including for receiving feedback on the Company's services and products, as well as for marketing and research purposes.
  • Preparation of internal reference and analytical materials that the Company has the right to send to its separate divisions (branches and representative offices), partners of the Company, subsidiaries and other affiliated persons.
  • Organization of promotional events, including conferences, exhibitions.
  • Ensuring the implementation of the user's rights as a subject of personal data in accordance with applicable law.
  • Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the Company.
  • Formation of a subscriber base for the Company's newsletters, mailings about the events conducted by the Company or with the participation of the Company, surveys and research carried out by the Company.
  • Other purposes provided by applicable law.

8. Principles of processing personal data

The company processes personal data on a legal, fair and transparent basis. The company processes personal data in accordance with the requirements of the current Russian legislation and applicable international treaties. The basis for the processing of personal data by the Company is the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of personal data. If the subject of personal data revokes or changes his consent to the processing of personal data, the Company stops or accordingly changes the limits of processing personal data.

The company processes personal data in the composition and volume necessary to achieve the goals and fulfill the tasks in connection with which the processing of personal data is carried out. The company collects and processes personal data to the extent necessary for collection purposes. The company does not collect personal data in excess. The company guarantees the timely destruction of the received personal data when achieving the goals in connection with which the collection of personal data was carried out.

The company processes personal data in accordance with the initially set and specifically defined goals, for which consent was obtained from the subject of personal data to process personal data. The company processes personal data exclusively for the purposes specified by the subject of personal data in consent. The company does not use the personal data provided by the subject for other purposes, including its own purposes, not specified in the consent provided by the subject of personal data. The company assures and guarantees that the purposes of personal data processing comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and do not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

When processing personal data, the Company ensures the relevance, accuracy and sufficiency of personal data. The company takes all necessary measures to clarify incomplete and / or inaccurate personal data. If it is impossible to clarify the available personal data and / or to replenish such data, the Company ensures their timely deletion.

The company ensures the confidentiality of personal data. The company takes all necessary and sufficient technical, organizational and other measures to protect personal data, including but not limited to the adoption of internal privacy policies, restricting access to information containing personal data, including restricting access to personal data and providing such access only to certain categories of the Company's employees.

The company ensures the security of personal data. The company stores personal data on tangible media in compliance with the requirements of technical and organizational security, ensuring the safety of personal data in the form and volume in which such data was provided, and excluding unauthorized access, including the destruction and / or modification of existing personal data. data, except for cases when such destruction and / or changes are made based on the request of the subject of personal data in accordance with section 13 of this Policy. The Company does not disclose or provide personal data to third parties, including partners and / or affiliated persons of the Company, without the explicitly expressed voluntary consent of the subject of personal data. Consent to the disclosure of personal data is not required if such disclosure is carried out at the request of state authorities in the cases and in the manner provided for by applicable law. In any case, the Company transfers personal data in compliance with technical measures to protect personal data and does not use open communication channels, as well as unprotected data transmission systems. The Company has the right to entrust the processing of personal data to a third party, subject to obtaining the appropriate consent from the subject of personal data, while the Company guarantees that such a third party will take measures in respect of the processed personal data to ensure a security standard not lower than that provided for in this Policy.

The company ensures the inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for different and / or incompatible purposes. The company stores personal data processed using automation tools and without using such tools, separately from each other by placing on separate carriers. The company carries out separate storage of personal data that was provided for various purposes, as well as personal data that belong to different categories.

The company carries out segregated storage by placing the following types of personal data on separate media:

  • Personal data processed using automation tools and without using such tools.
  • Personal data processed for various purposes.
  • Personal data that belongs to various categories of personal data.

Guided by the above principle, the Company provides a separate storage of personal data, the collection of which was carried out for various purposes, thereby ensuring the inadmissibility of using the provided personal data for purposes other than those specified in the consent of the subject of personal data.

The company is responsible, provided for by the current Russian legislation, for compliance with and adherence to these principles when processing personal data.

9. Methods of processing personal data

The company processes personal data manually and through the use of automation tools. In particular, the Company collects, records, systematizes, accumulates, stores, clarifies (updates and changes existing data), retrieves, uses, transfers (transfers personal data via secure communication channels and data transmission systems, provides access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.

The Company processes personal data every time a user visits the Company's website, uses the Company's services and contacts the Company.

The company does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data to organizations located on the territory of foreign states that do not provide an adequate level of protection and confidentiality of personal data, except for cases when the subject of personal data has voluntarily provided his explicit and unambiguous consent to carry out cross-border transfer of his personal data to the territory of such states. The company takes all necessary and sufficient measures to ensure the protection of personal data during their cross-border transfer.

10. Storage of personal data

The company stores personal data for a period until the achievement of the goal for the implementation of which the personal data was provided, or until the moment when, due to the circumstances, the purpose for the implementation of which the personal data was provided is objectively unattainable. After the expiration of the period specified in this section, personal data are subject to destruction.

The company stores personal data outside the time frames provided for in this section, in cases directly provided for by applicable law.

11. Transfer and disclosure of personal data

The company has the right to provide access to personal data and transfer personal data to the following categories of persons:

  • Subsidiaries and other affiliated organizations for employment purposes, providing information about the Company's services and products of interest to the user, and sending information materials.
  • Subsidiaries and other affiliated organizations for employment purposes, providing information about the Company's services and products of interest to the user, and sending information materials.
  • Services "Yandex", "Google" about the attendance of the Company's website, about the popularity of the Company's products and services, about the websites from which users go to the Company's website, about the websites to which users go from the Company's website to prepare statistical data, conduct analysis of the obtained statistical data, preparation of advertising materials.
  • Services "HeadHunter", "Jooble" to provide data about the user contained in the profile posted on these services, when the user responds to vacancies in the Company and / or subsidiaries of the Company.
  • Auditors and other professional consultants.
  • State authorities in cases and in the manner expressly provided for by applicable law.
  • To third-party organizations that otherwise provide services to the Company that require disclosure of personal data.

When concluding agreements on the basis of which the transfer of personal data is carried out with the persons specified in this section, the Company requires these persons to take the necessary and sufficient measures of confidentiality and security in accordance with applicable law in relation to the transferred personal data. The company assures and guarantees that the use and processing of the transferred personal data is carried out by the specified persons solely for the purposes for which the consent of the subjects of personal data was provided. In the event that there is a need to use personal data for purposes other than those specified in the consent and / or in other ways, such use is allowed only subject to obtaining the voluntary, explicit and unequivocal consent of the subject of personal data.

When providing access to personal data and / or transferring personal data, the Company takes all necessary and sufficient technical and organizational measures to protect personal data in order to maintain confidentiality.

For more information about the organizational and / or technical security measures taken by the Company, used to ensure confidentiality and protection when providing access to personal data / transfer of personal data, the user has the right to contact

12. Termination of processing of personal data

The company stops processing personal data in the following cases:

  • Upon reaching the goals of processing personal data or losing the purpose for which the personal data was obtained.
  • At the moment when, based on the circumstances, it obviously follows that the purpose of processing personal data is objectively unattainable.
  • At the request of the subject of personal data in the cases and in the manner provided for in section 13 of this Policy.
  • At the request of state authorities in the cases and in the manner provided for by applicable law, and / or on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force.
  • If the Company identifies the facts of processing personal data that does not comply with the requirements of applicable law and / or this Policy for the processing of personal data, provided that ensuring such compliance is objectively impossible.
  • In the event of security threats, which with a high degree of probability will entail the impossibility of ensuring the confidentiality of personal data and protection from unauthorized access to personal data.
  • In case of liquidation of the Company.

Upon termination of the processing of personal data, the Company immediately deletes copies of personal data contained on tangible media.

13. Rights of subjects of personal data

The company guarantees users the exercise of the following rights in relation to personal data provided to the Company by the subject of personal data:

  • Receive a copy of the personal data available to the Company.
  • Receive confirmation of the processing of personal data, including information about the processing and storage of personal data.
  • To make corrections to the personal data provided to the Company if such data is incomplete and / or inaccurate, including in part.
  • Send a request to update the personal data available to the Company, including to correct such data.
  • Revoke the consent given to the Company to process personal data.
  • Send a statement on the restriction of the processing of personal data, including on the limitation of the purposes of processing, and / or the deletion of personal data.

The personal data subject has the right at any time to contact the Company with a complaint about the actions and / or inaction of the Company, as well as the actions and / or inaction of subsidiaries and / or affiliates of the Company, to whom the Company has transferred and / or provided access to the personal data of the subject in in accordance with section 11 of this Policy, in connection with the improper handling of the personal data of the subject. Inappropriate handling of personal data means the processing, storage and distribution of personal data in violation of the requirements of this Policy, the terms of the given consent of the subject of personal data, and the requirements of applicable law.

The subject of personal data has the right at any time to independently file a complaint with the competent authority and / or court against the actions of the Company and / or subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company to whom the Company has transferred and / or provided access to the personal data of the subject in accordance with section 11 of this Policy in if, through the fault of the Company, the personal data subject has been harmed as a result of the dissemination of personal data / unauthorized access to personal data.

To exercise the rights specified in this section and / or to send additional questions related to the exercise of the rights provided for in this section and other sections of this Policy, the user should contact

14. Security of personal data

To ensure the security of personal data, the Company takes necessary and sufficient organizational, technical and other measures to protect against unauthorized access to personal data and / or disclosure of personal data, as well as from damage, destruction in whole or in part, illegal copying and / or modification of personal data, blocking and other illegal actions with personal data, as a result of which harm may be caused to subjects of personal data, the Company, as well as the legitimate interests of third parties.

The company regularly monitors potential threats to personal data, including assessing the level of such threats, as well as assessing the potential damage that may be caused as a result. The company regularly updates existing policies and technical systems that ensure the protection of personal data, as well as train employees on information security and personal data protection.

In order to ensure the protection and preservation of the confidentiality of personal data, the Company adopts internal local regulations, in accordance with which a special regime is established with respect to personal data, which implies limited access to personal data. The Company assures and guarantees that all employees of the Company are familiar with the internal local regulations governing personal data issues, and strictly follow the requirements of these acts in the exercise of their labor function.

The company regularly checks the efficiency and functioning of information systems that ensure the security of personal data. If, in the course of such a check, the Company comes to the conclusion that there is a threat of distribution, destruction, blocking, unauthorized access to personal data, the Company immediately takes all necessary and sufficient measures to prevent such a threat, including by deleting personal data and copies of personal data available to the Company.

15. Use of cookies

The Company uses cookies to ensure effective management of the Company's website and to provide the user with personalized services and products of the Company. For more information on the terms of use of the data contained in cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy.

16. Web analysis

The company uses Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics analysis services on the website. These services carry out, on behalf and in the interests of the Company, methods of using the Company's website by users in order to assess the efficiency of the Company's website and further optimization settings. The user has the right to refuse to collect the information specified in this section by downloading and installing a browser plug-in for the device used by the user:

17. Changes to privacy policy

The Company has the right at any time, at its discretion and / or in cases provided for by applicable law, to amend this Privacy Policy. The company informs the user about changes to the provisions of this Policy 30 days before the entry into force of such changes. If the user does not agree with the changes being made, the user has the right to send his disagreement to the e-mail address specified in section 11 of this Policy with the subsequent deletion of personal data in whole or in part. If the user has not sent his disagreement to the Company, it is considered that the user agrees with the changes made to this Policy.

18. Final provisions

If the user for any reason does not agree with the provisions of this Policy, the user is obliged to immediately leave the website of the Company and withdraw his personal data in the manner provided for in section 13 of this Policy. The continued use of the Company's website by the user means acceptance of the terms of this Policy. The user has the right to contact the Company at any time on all questions of interest related to the processing of personal data at

This Policy may be translated into English. In the event of any disagreement between the Russian and English versions of this Policy, the Russian version shall prevail.